# Actiquest

# Introduction

Yet, at the dawn of the era of robots, on October 11, 2024, Tesla arranged an incredible presentation called "We, Robot" and presented robotaxis there, along with Optimus robots. When Tesla finished its presentation, a stream showed a number of people communicating with robots on tables and in the crowd. However, the robots greeted with their arms, poured drinks, and danced; that is why some guests felt like they were controlled by real people remotely.

Yet, not everybody can afford a $30,000+ robot. In most cases, a robot doesn't even need to have a physical body to be able to assist a person in his or her daily routine. It can live in your smartphone and a variety of AR wearable devices and bring no less benefits than Optimus.

In an era where the intersection of AI technologies, Web3 and sports opens up new horizons, Actiquest Lab created a revolutionary application that effectively digitizes sports coaching.

# Actiq: training app for athletes powered by AI and web3 incentives

Actiq is a state-of-the-art application for all sports fans, which opens completely new perspectives in mastering various types of sports-tennis, padel, cricket, baseball, etc. The application is powered by the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence Gamified Coach (AIGC) technology and enhanced with web3 based train2earn mechanics.

Actiq is able to see and hear the user in training. This means interactive communication with him and training on an individual basis. The app offers:

  • Individual training plans
  • Personal nutrition programs
  • Goal setting and tracking
  • Analysis of technology and progress

One of the distinctive features of Actiq is its reward system. They get regular training for $ACTI cryptocurrency, and it serves as additional motivation for everyday training and achieving athletic perfection.

Actiq is your highway to the peaks of sports perfection with the support of artificial intelligence and technologies of a novel motivation system.

Actiq Wallet is a Telegram mini-app developed by Actiquest, and with this, the company wants to actively promote the coming product. Using it, one can gain $ACTI by accomplishing various social and sporting challenges. The intent is also to prepare them for the upcoming Actiq mobile app in 2025.

With Actiq Wallet, you can earn $ACTI tokens from the Strava app - the most popular social network and training repository among athletes and fitness trackers. This is done by installing Strava, connecting wearable devices to it, and earning $ACTI through Strava task cards in Actiq Wallet. You can also download the mobile app and get a promotion code for free use of Actiq in the Actiq Wallet for the first 6 months.

Average state at 01/10/2024:

  • Registered users: 60K
  • Whitelisted users: 26K
  • MAU 30K
  • DAU 10K

Link to Actiq Wallet.

# Vision and Mission

# Vision

Power innovations that will improve the health and quality of life for billions of people around the globe using the latest AI. Ease human trainers' burden by making personalized AI sport coaches available 24/7, which will offer tailored training and in-game rewards. We want to democratize sport by making it accessible to all, regardless of their skill level.

# Mission

We are designing a new approach to training for all athletes by mixing gamification and the power of AI. Further, sport coaching will be revolutionized by AI Coaches combined with personalized omni-sport approach. We will develop an app through which you can make money with sports, integrating Social-Fi aspects that connect sport lovers via gamified workout and sports activities.

# Problem Statement

  • The demand for sports training is huge and keeps growing. Sports coaches are expensive (in the US, 1 hour of tennis classes may start from $100) and are also limited by their human nature, to train everyone. Coaches are constantly looking for new ways of monetizing their abilities: releasing video lessons and training athletes remotely.

  • Increasing demand for personalized training and workouts. The consumers want unique training programs tailored to different personality traits, goals, and lifestyles. Traditional fitness apps offer general program modes that cannot address the individual needs of all users.

  • Increased demand for home workouts and sports conducted remotely. Such a trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, when many people continue to choose to exercise at home or outdoors, avoiding crowded gyms.

  • Growing interest is taken in sports-derived VR and AR technologies. Immersive training and sports skills training open new opportunities, though high equipment costs and lack of quality content restrain their adoption.

  • Low motivation of athletes to master new sports. A person is capable of mastering several sports in order for his body to be physically harmonious. In the digital age, this means he has to download several applications, start synchronizing data, find time to study, and much, much more. But a modern multimodal AI agent will be able to methodologically and organizationally solve this problem completely and even motivate such useful interests using web3 rewards.

  • Web3 users are too poorly engaged in a healthy lifestyle due to excessive time spent on the computer/smartphone and engagement in play2earn casual games. At the moment, the lack of projects connected with sports and an active way of life in the Web3 industry plays a significant role here. The first representatives of these projects are STEPN and Agon, which connect the advantages of Web3 technologies with engagement in physical activities.

# Possible solution

Solution will combine cutting-edge AI technologies with Web3 tech stack to introduce the groundbreaking sports training platform.

# Multimodal AI for Sports

  • Integration of latest Vision Transformer (ViT) technology to analyze visual information about the athlete's workouts.
  • Optimizing ViT to spend fewer resources for training and processing video data (inference).
  • Using Actiq Sport Knowledge LLM to create personalized training programs and recommendations.
  • Implementing D.R.O.C methodology (Distilling and Retrieving Generalizable Knowledge via Language Corrections), which allows Actiq Sport Knowledge LLM to make real-time judgments on the quality of exercise performance and correct the athlete's technique. D.R.O.C instantly detects errors or incorrect movements and gives the user feedback, helping them improve their technique without the need for repeated workout reviews or consultations with a trainer. That will work like a special RAG over Llama and allows to continuously improve algorithms based on user data.
  • Regular updates to the knowledge base of AI coaches, taking into account the latest research in the field of sports science.

# Tools for maximizing sport motivation, gamification of sports experience and Actiq web3 ecosystem growth

  • Incentivization protocol based on $ACTI, a cross-chain cryptocurrency, specifically designed to reward sports achievements across mass adopted ecosystems like Solana, TON, BNB, SKALE, ICP chains.
  • DAO for managing and decision-making on development of incentivization protocol, $ACTI circulation across several blockchain ecosystems and storage/commercial use of pre-trained models both ViT and Sport Knowledge LLM as a public good owned by the DAO community.
  • Oracles to decentralize AI training data coming from centralized sources and secure AI model ownership by athletes.
  • Cross-Chain Bridges for free $ACTI circulation between crypto ecosystems, mentioned above.
  • Development of a system of levels, achievements and competitions between users.
  • Virtual challenges and tournaments to increase engagement.
  • Providing 24/7 access to personalized training.
  • The ability to train anywhere, anytime, using only your smartphone and wearable peripherals (sensors, watches etc.).

The given solution will revolutionize the concept of sports training and make quality training accessible to all. A blend of AI technologies with the engines of Web3 democratizes access not only to professional training but also creates a new paradigm in the sports industry, where technology becomes one of the key factors for achieving physical excellence and a healthy lifestyle.

# The technologies behind Actiquest

Our team has been developing in the field of computer vision for more than 7 years. Early next year, we are launching the release of Actiq, a sports super-app with multimodal AI under the hood. You can train in several sports disciplines using just one app for all sports: tennis, paddle, baseball, golf, track your games, compete, lead an active lifestyle, and even earn money in the application. Beginners who aren't sure what they want and what sports they like will find it helpful. We develop special AI technology for sports, combining GenAI with advanced Vision Transformers, machine learning that processes fitness data from various sources, recognizes health problems, and correctly assesses your capabilities, with generative AI reasoning to implement the emotional and motivational component, and to make sure the communication with you is in your native language.

By investigating limitations of the Video LLM approach of recognizing frames of a scene and reasoning over what happened next, we are in a position to combine real-time multi-threaded vision transformers with our custom distillation and online correction (D.R.O.C) tools in the most effective way to respond to corrections. This is generally a very good process for undergoing athletic training.

D.R.O.C stands for Distilling and Retrieving Generalizable Knowledge via Online Corrections, which essentially enables AI to make real-time decisions regarding the quality of exercise performance and allows adjustments in technique to be made by the athlete. The D.R.O.C. technology instantly recognizes mistakes or wrong movements and gives users feedback that helps them enhance their technique without the need to review workouts or consult with a coach. As such, this not only makes training more efficient but also safer, reducing the chances of injury while accelerating results.

High-accuracy Vision Transformers operating at 60 frames per second enable the analysis of user movements during training. The principle of operation of transformer models called ViT is fully integrated with language models. They divide an image into small areas and process them by attention mechanisms. That allows for the recognition of more complex movements and postures of athletes more effectively.

Among computer vision systems, the ViT technologies are even more resource-efficient than convolutional neural networks:

  • This is beneficial for ViT since it can detect complex sequences of athlete movements; hence, it is helpful in real-time exercise technique improvements, enabling users to provide more correct feedback from an AI coach. With ViT, we will be able to recognize even the tiniest details of images for better acknowledgment of fine motor skills and recording deviations from exercise technique. For instance, the slightest deviations in tennis or gymnastics have a negative effect on final results when it comes to competition.

  • ViT requires less resource consumption both for training and video processing at the inferencing stage. It would also no longer be necessary to upload a video to the server, and the entire process of interaction between the Athlete and the AI ​​happens in real time. Our AI, in turn, in such a way, can process videos directly on users' devices and provide a reduction in wait time after the completion of exercises before receiving recommendations.

  • Also, the user need not worry about sensitive personal data since the video stream is not being transmitted to anywhere; only the anonymized metadata will be transmitted to the Sport Knowledge LLM.

# Competitors

The B2B2C sports innovation market is estimated to reach $200B by 2026. We believe that our product integrating AI and web3 will quickly occupy its niche in the Sport-Tech market. Our technologies will be integrated into Meta AR/VR entertainment infrastructure in the near future.

# Social effect

Actiq is a project related to sports and health, based on the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence and implemented on web3. We work with the biggest thought leaders in sports, crypto and artificial intelligence to deliver our ideas around the world. Actiq promotes an active lifestyle for its users.

You can either save your tokens for use in the application or sell them for everyday expenses (the former is always more profitable). The more you practice, the more rewards you get; it is the motivation that pushes us forward to achieve beneficial improvements and control over our health. The Actiq app analyzes your training results and converts completed training blocks into rewards.

Athletes can earn $ACTI tokens for their exercises, store them or redeem coins for in-store purchases, physical products, digital collectibles, event tickets, organize real sporting events, and earn holder rankings to access features.

# Coaching methodology

# Omni-sports coaching using artificial intelligence. Unique benefits of training with Actiq (USP):

Focused training:

  • Coaching with Actiq is focused on developing particular skills and reaching your goals.
  • Unlike apps like Stepn, Actiq gives you more than just mechanical exercises of another type but a holistic approach to athletic development.

AI-trainer support:

  • Gets rid of training sabotage and helps to keep a positive attitude.
  • Gives fun experience along with a positive attitude because of gamified training and quests.
  • You can fully focus on the process of training itself, which is so important for success in competitions.

Variety and flexibility:

  • Helps get rid of the routine with its system of consecutive quests.
  • Gives high variability in training and allows an athlete to practice multiple sports disciplines.

Motivational benefits:

  • Keeps the athlete in a motivated mood through training rewarded on a daily basis.
  • Financial reward for achievements with the $ACTI token system.

Economical benefits:

  • You can offset some of the costs of competing at higher level competitions with prize money won through the Actiq Competitions.
  • Train with a coach at a lower cost

Overall Physical Development:

  • Melds physical training, mental training, and technological innovation for maximum achievement.
  • Meets the athlete's individual needs and goals.
  • Engaging in different sports helps develop a wide range of motor skills, strength, agility, endurance, flexibility, and coordination.

Thus, Actiq offers not a simple training application but an entire ecosystem of complex development of an athlete, combining innovative technologies, gamification, and economic stimuli in the name of the best results.

# Product Roadmap

At the same time, we develop the AI ​​and web3 infrastructure of our product. We moved from simple to complex-in June, we launched a Telegram mini-app to popularize our product and attracted 50K users. Due to Actiq Wallet, we will be able to afford the main product launch cost-effectively-with ACTICat Coach supporting a number of sports-and offer it to a paying audience of 100K users in Q1 of 2025. We are going to launch co-teaching this October for our sports models with the help of more than 1000 athletes who come from various sports and cooperation programs with sports coaches.

Actiq Wallet (Telegram mini-app) was launched in June 2024. The short-term objective is the systemization and incentivization of Actiq’s early adopters. The beta launch of the Actiq application is planned for the first quarter of 2025.

In October, the DAO will be officially launched along with an incentive algorithm for the athletes, while the AI is to be trained by them.

First phase: developing and training AIGC/Sport Knowledge LLM in Q3 2024. Actiq DAO goes live, Q4 2024.

Second phase: ViT model training in tennis, golf, yoga begins in the 1st quarter of 2025.

Register interest in the AI ​​by AI program by following the link below and filling in the form: https://actiq.xyz/earlybird.html

# Founding Team

  • Michael Aprossine - CEO. Triathlon fan. Serial entrepreneur since early 2000; More than 20 years in IT consulting and product development in the field of IoT, SaaS, mobility and blockchain; Co-founder of Apla.network (Luxembourg). Co-founder of DrivePoint (sold to Hyundai Mobility in 2019).

  • Phil Khomenok - COO, Experienced swimmer. Builds online sales of cable products and rolled metal products from scratch for $10M per year. In 2017, he co-founded the Grown Capital investment fund with raised capital of $5 million. In 2020-2023, as a CBDO, he helped Advcash develop new products and enter new markets.

  • Ankit Sahu - CFO, experienced tennis player. Over 20 years in asset management in private banking and funds, including: Prosperity Group, Bank Of America, Merrill Lynch and UBS.

  • Mike Keer - CTO, AI architect. Expert in language models and computer vision. Participant in joint projects with Lux Innovation, EIC, etc.

  • Sergey Koskov — product manager. Athlete.

  • Iskander Khakimov — FullStack, Front-End. Triathlete.

  • Vit Znack — FullStack, Back-End. Sportsman.

  • +3 people (data specialists/testing)

# Advisors

  • Dr. Ty Vachon - Phd in Medical Sciences, radiologist and expert in computer vision in sports medicine. Athlete, Triathlon.

  • Dr. Leonard Khirug - Phd in Neuro Sciences, Leonard Khiroug previously works at the Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki. They use advanced methods (such as in vivo 2-photon imaging in awake behaving mice) to study mechanisms of neurodegeneration, brain trauma and pain.

  • Dr. Alex Konviser - Curator of sports programs in Switzerland and the European Union. Type of sport: biathlon (ex-champion).

  • Paul Pelosi Jr. - American businessman and independent consultant. Paul's experience includes investing in growth companies, investment banking, sustainable real estate and corporate governance. Sports: running, swimming.

  • Broderick Higby — Senior engineer at Apple, creator of artificial intelligence for golf. Sports: Golf.

  • Aaron Eisman is the founder of Eisman Digital Agency and previously worked at Turner Sports, Bleacher Report and the NFL. Passionate about growing client numbers and increasing engagement in sports marketing. Consulting on relations with sports brands and celebrities.

# Getting started with the Actiq app

  • Actiq app user flow.
  • Let's take the first step by downloading the app (soon).
  • Fill out the registration form to become app member
  • Create an account with your email when you download the app onto your phone and wearable device. Login, that you shall receive an authentication code in your inbox.
  • Create invite code to set up the wallet in the web3 dashboard at the next steps.
  • Connect your Strava account
  • Connect your Garmin account
  • Set up your profile and personalize your AI Coach
  • Get a personal training plan
  • Start using gamified training
  • Complete the training block or finish the quest
  • Be rewarded by AI Coach
  • Check rewards at Web3 ​​dashboard TBContinued soon

# Innovation and quality

Our team stands for innovation and quality. We value creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and bold ideas which can be easily translated into useful products in everyday life. We pay special attention to the quality of service and products, testing them at every stage of development according to the design system. In such a way, we will be able to provide you with only the best solutions and services.

# Double impact of innovation

Actiq is an AI-powered application with additional web3-based motivational incentive economics added to it. This has never happened before (Sport Knowledge AI that can incentivize athletes). New users in the sports industry are going to come into crypto space, both coaches and sport lovers.

Actiq focuses on long-term growth: continuous innovation to inspire people in new and exciting ways to take responsibility for their health. We are going to revise our reward system in partnership with leading fitness and technology brands, developing products that go far beyond an app. Our platform will embed emergent blockchain technologies, increase interoperability, and extend use cases.

If you are an athlete with a long-term goal, Actiq is the platform for you. Please subscribe to our Blog Actiquest AI Journey.